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Yes after discussions we have come to the decision to declare war on RENEGADES. Over the past week they have been gaining on us hugely on the union leader board and we have decided that they need to be stopped before they get any further.The war is declared for server reset (0:00:00 game-time) but i want you to hold ALL attacks until 4 am. We need EVERYONE who can be on at 4am game-time to be there about 30 mins early (3:30 am) so that we can coordinate the attacks successfully. This will be the biggest war in the history of this server so do not miss it! Remember to hold attacks too. another note make sure you are protected well by hiding your resources in the market or storage and hiding you soldiers in the shelter or sending them on long attacks. Don't leave yourself vulnerable but if you do run into trouble and need help make sure you send me, Zirkoy or a general a message. I will keep you updated with any progress but make the effort to be on at 3:30am GAME-TIME!!!


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PostSubject: ассортимент лекарств для похудения спб грация неба   ассортимент лекарств для похудения спб грация неба EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 11:34 pm

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